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How you can help us succeed in Building the Kingdom of God



Two ways to give out of your hand into the hands of tomorrow, and support the future!

1. PayPal:


Mpesa number: +254717638147



Basic needs for 1 child provided monthly by pledging to give $25 a month to help provide basic needs: food, clothing, shelter,etc. 

Education for one year: Sponsor a child's education for one year for $200.00


If God lay on your heart to give in an extensive way, feel free to contact us with any donation amount you may have. We are currently looking for a vehicle to transport children to medical facility if needed, and wish to incorporate medical staff and building on site. 

Before any other identity we hold dear, as Christians, we are first citizens of heaven. the beautiful thing about this truth is our identity as believers vrings us the opporunity to live in unity and peace with other Christ followers. We don't have to look, live or be alike in any other way but to stand together in the body of Christ. There is only one core purpose for all believers. Our specific callings are gathered up in this single purpose, and every gift springs from it. If we miss this purpose, all our desires and pursuits will be in cain. This purpose is simply this: we are all called and chosen to bear fruit. From Apostle Otieno Solomon,  Kenya.

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